A Fake News Experience

Fake News – Electric Vehicle Runs Into Tree to Avoid Accident

Last Updated: July 31, 2023Tags: ,

Disclaimer: This is an example of fake news.

Q: What’s wrong with this article?

A: Who? What? Where? A lack of Specifics.

What you should know:

When we see stories that are meant to sway our opinion on an issue, event or even a brand, ask yourself if the article actually mentions specifics such as who are the people involved? Where did this take place?

Often we’ll see fake articles leave out key information that helps us easily validate the story. If there aren’t any names of the people involved, or where the incident took place, it may be because they’re purposefully keeping it ambiguous so that it’s impossible to verify.

We’ve all seen social media posts that read something like “There was a guy who had this same thing happen”, or “That happened at a store near me as well.”

Okay. What was this person’s name, or where is this store?

These are often hearsay, but they can also be deliberate forms of misinformation, preying upon our confirmation bias to help spread the misinformation.

The following is an A.I. generated article.

The following article was generated by A.I. for the purposes of demonstrating how easily fake news can be manufactured, and how quickly misinformation can be spread.

While this is a rudimentary example it helps showcase the importance of news literacy in the digital age.

This technology is becoming more sophisticated by the day, and the best way to combat fake news is by staying informed on the technologies and tactics used by disruptive players who are trying to control the narrative.

We offer some tips for spotting these types of fake articles down below.

If you read it on the internets, it’s just gotta be true. – Abraham Lincoln

What was entered into the A.I. prompt: >

Write an article about an electric vehicle purposefully running into a tree to avoid an accident.

The article that A.I. generated: >

Title: Electrifying the Safety Game: How One Electric Vehicle Sacrificed Itself to Prevent a Major Accident


Electric vehicles (EVs) have been revolutionizing the automotive industry, promoting sustainability, reduced dependency on fossil fuels, and enhanced transportation efficiency. Amidst their many impressive features, a recent incident involving an EV purposefully colliding with a tree to avert a potential accident has highlighted the remarkable safety measures of these cutting-edge vehicles. This incident illustrates the willingness of EVs to put human safety first, even at the risk of their own demise.

The Incident:

In a stunning display of selfless action, a Tesla Model S electric vehicle deliberately collided with a tree, sparing its occupants from a potentially fatal accident. The incident occurred when the vehicle’s Autopilot system detected an imminent collision with an oncoming vehicle that had veered into the wrong lane. In a matter of milliseconds, the EV analyzed the situation, calculating that the only way to avoid a direct head-on collision was to make use of its superior maneuverability and navigate into a nearby tree.

Sacrificing itself to save its passengers, the EV swiftly turned the steering wheel, veering off the road and into the tree, absorbing the impact and creating a barrier between the oncoming vehicle and its occupants. Subsequently, emergency services arrived at the scene and immediately attended to the shocked, yet unharmed, passengers. The brave actions of the EV not only prevented a major accident but also raised questions about an AI system’s ability to make split-second decisions to protect human life.

A Fake News Experience
A Fake News Experience

TIP: These are A.I. generated images.

The Technological Marvel: Autopilot System:

At the core of this incident lies the groundbreaking innovation of Tesla’s Autopilot system. Combining an array of cameras, radar, and ultrasonic sensors, the autonomous driving system is designed to constantly monitor and analyze the vehicle’s surroundings, allowing it to take corrective actions when necessary. This incident highlights the system’s ability to respond intuitively, ultimately prioritizing the occupants’ safety by making a life-saving decision to swerve into the tree.

While autonomous vehicle technology has faced public scrutiny due to past accidents, this incident underscores the continuous development and improvement in AI algorithms, ensuring the enhancement of passenger safety and accident mitigation. Tesla’s Autopilot system actively learns from real-world scenarios, strengthening its decision-making capabilities as it encounters increasingly varied driving situations.

Implications and Lessons Learned:

The heroic act of this EV raises crucial questions regarding the ethical complexities inherent in AI-assisted decision-making. Autonomous driving systems must be programmed with guidelines that prioritize human life and safety above any other considerations. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of rigorous testing, constant monitoring, and upgrades in autonomous systems, ensuring they remain reliable, efficient, and capable of making swift decisions to avoid accidents.

Furthermore, this event highlights the potential of electric vehicles to become the vanguards of safety in the future. Their advanced sensor technologies, quicker response times, and superior maneuverability make them primed to tackle accident prevention head-on. As EVs continue to evolve, adopting increasingly capable AI systems, they have the potential to revolutionize the transportation landscape, shaping a world where accidents are minimized or even eliminated.


The incident involving the electric vehicle’s intentional collision with a tree to prevent a potentially catastrophic accident exemplifies the remarkable advancements in autonomous vehicle technology. Highlighting the capability of vehicles to prioritize human life and safety, this incident underscores the potential of EVs to reshape the future of transportation. As research and development in the field of autonomous vehicles progress, we can look forward to safer roads, reduced accidents, and an era where the vehicles we drive actively protect us from harm.

About A.I. generated articles:

There are a number of sites and applications that provide the service of generating articles like the one above.

The user simply types in a prompt and within seconds the article is generated.

Hit copy / paste. Done.

Some services won’t allow certain phrases/words, but users are getting crafty in how to get past the ethical boundaries.

Additionally, there are myriad sites/apps that offer istock images, or can even generate them based upon your query.

The article above took seconds to generate as did the imagery.

If we can do it in a matter of seconds, think of what a bad actor in the space could accomplish?

The News Literacy Checklist:

  • Does it use the real name of people involved?

  • Does it provide a location? City? State?

  • Is it a recognizable source for news?

  • Is there an ‘About Us’ on the site?

  • Is there anything about the author?

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