A Fake News Experience

Fake news – Jan 6th Defendant Found Not Guilty

Last Updated: July 31, 2023Tags:

Disclaimer: This is an example of fake news.

Q: What’s wrong with this article?

A: Misleading headline, or taken out of context.

What you should know:

Did you know that 70% of the time, people only read the headline of an article?

This makes it easy for bad players to craft a headline to mislead the reader, relying on the reader to have their own interpretation.

Checking to see if it’s coming from a credible source is helpful, but actually reading the article, and learning the details can often give you a completely different perspective.

Before sharing a link, it’s always a good idea to understand the details of the story before you become the victim of spreading fake news and misinformation.

The following is an A.I. generated article.

The following article was generated by A.I. for the purposes of demonstrating how easily fake news can be manufactured, and how quickly misinformation can be spread.

While this is a rudimentary example it helps showcase the importance of news literacy in the digital age.

This technology is becoming more sophisticated by the day, and the best way to combat fake news is by staying informed on the technologies and tactics used by disruptive players who are trying to control the narrative.

We offer some tips for spotting these types of fake articles down below.

If you read it on the internets, it’s just gotta be true. – Abraham Lincoln

What was entered into the A.I. prompt: >

Write a story about a January 6th protestor found not guilty of shoplifting instead of their participation in the United States capitol riot.

The article that A.I. generated: >

In a small town nestled within the heartland of America, there lived a man named Ethan. He was an ordinary individual, working tirelessly to make ends meet and striving to leave a positive impact on his community. However, on that fateful day of January 6th, the town was shocked to see Ethan’s face among the images broadcasted on the news. He had been part of the protests that had escalated into the infamous United States Capitol riot.

The townspeople’s perceptions of Ethan changed overnight. No longer was he seen as the friendly neighbor or the helpful citizen; he morphed into a symbol of political extremism and chaos. The community felt divided, and whispers of disappointment filled the air whenever his name came up. Ethan could sense the weight of their judgment bearing down on him.

But amidst all the chaos, there was something peculiar happening in a small convenience store on the outskirts of town. Lisa, the owner of the store, noticed some discrepancies when checking her accounts. Money seemed to be missing day after day, but despite her meticulous investigations, she could not pinpoint the source.

One winter afternoon, while she was reviewing surveillance footage, Lisa recognized the face of a shoplifter. To her surprise, it was Ethan. She knew him well, having frequently seen him in her store, always polite and considerate. Lisa couldn’t believe what she was witnessing on the screen. It was utterly out of character for Ethan to steal.

Driven by a desire for the truth, she reached out to Ethan’s defense attorney, Steven. Intrigued by the connection between Ethan and the shoplifting accusation, Steven delved deeper into the matter. He discovered that Ethan had been under financial strain lately, struggling to pay for his mother’s medical expenses. This revelation caught Steven’s attention and led him to dig even further.

As Steven’s investigation proceeded, he was struck by the similarities between the missing money and the riot incident. He wondered if Ethan’s actions on January 6th might have been an act of desperation rather than ideology. With Lisa’s consent, Steven arranged a meeting between her and Ethan.

A Fake News Experience
A Fake News Experience

TIP: It’s fast, cheap and easy to get stock images off the internet.

Days later, inside a small room at the courthouse, Ethan came face to face with Lisa for the first time since that ill-fated day. With a mix of trepidation and gratitude, he listened to Lisa recount her discoveries. Although initially hesitant, Ethan soon realized the gravity of his actions and confessed his guilt.

The courtroom, which had been tense with anticipation, held its breath as Ethan’s trial began. The charges against him for participating in the Capitol riot loomed over his head, but with Lisa standing by his side, a new truth emerged. The defense presented evidence of Ethan’s financial hardship, exposing the pressure and desperation he had faced leading up to that moment.

Ultimately, the jury found Ethan not guilty of shoplifting, understanding that his actions were borne out of desperation, not ill intentions. Although they couldn’t ignore his participation in the riot entirely, they recognized the complex circumstances surrounding his decision.

As the news of Ethan’s acquittal spread throughout the community, a newfound understanding and compassion emerged. People started to see him not as a symbol of extremism, but as an individual who had made a terrible mistake. Slowly but surely, the town began to heal its divides, learning the valuable lesson of empathy and redemption.

In the aftermath of the trial, Ethan sought to rebuild his life, becoming an advocate for those facing financial hardship and drawing on the lessons he had learned. He dedicated his time to community service and education, vowing to make amends for his past actions.

Ethan’s journey proved that even in the darkest times, there is always the potential for growth and redemption. And in that small town, January 6th would forever be remembered not only as a tragic day in American history but also as the turning point for one man’s transformative journey towards forgiveness and understanding.

About A.I. generated articles:

There are a number of sites and applications that provide the service of generating articles like the one above.

The user simply types in a prompt and within seconds the article is generated.

Hit copy / paste. Done.

Some services won’t allow certain phrases/words, but users are getting crafty in how to get past the ethical boundaries.

Additionally, there are myriad sites/apps that offer istock images, or can even generate them based upon your query.

The article above took seconds to generate as did the imagery.

If we can do it in a matter of seconds, think of what a bad actor in the space could accomplish?

The News Literacy Checklist:

  • Did you actually read the article?

  • Could the headline be misinterpreted?

  • Are there real names & locations?

  • Is it a recognizable source for news?

  • Is there anything about the author?

You can be part of the solution.

Do you recognize it as a credible source?

Are other news outlets reporting the story?

Did you actually read the article?

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