Topico Media, Inc. Topicoapp

The fake articles on the Bald Eagle American Patriot are designed as visual aids to help identify commonly used tactics to promote fake news, and spread misinformation.

This site was built by Topico Media, Inc. as an interactive experience to help identify and combat the spread of misinformation for a better informed, less divisive society.

Topico Media, Inc.

A fake news experience to support news literacy.

By creating AI-generated examples of fake news articles we hope to showcase the need for news literacy, and to provide the tips and tools to identify misinformation for a better informed society.

We believe that seeing both fake headlines, as well as the A.I. generated articles can help shine a lot on how big a problem we face, and how potentially it could get worse as this technology progresses.

Technology isn’t inherently good or evil. It’s potential for either depends upon who is wielding the keyboard.

The concern is how easily this is accomplished, and how inexpensive it is to produce.

News & media literacy are our greatest defense.

Our goal is to promote, inform, and remind people that we are all a part of the same mission to create a better society through news and media literacy.

And while many of these examples within this site are well-known, or simply common sense, it’s easy for many of us to fall into the trap of confirmation bias that causes us to share news and information that isn’t fair, balanced, or even accurate.

It’s our intention to have the Bald Eagle American Patriot as a gentle reminder that misinformation takes many forms, and that we’re all responsible for the news and information we share within our own little filter bubbles.

Sharing news and information is a vital part of any democracy, but as someone once said, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

We’re all in this together.

We hope you support our vision to increase awareness, and support news literacy.

The entire team at Topico Media, Inc.

“The problem with ‘Fake News’ comes from trying to prove you’re not it.”

NBC News - 12.27.17

“Social Media has given us access to more information sources than ever, but it’s changing our perceptions of each other and crushing the business model of quality journalism.”

The Denver Post - 3.24.17

“The platforms now act as “regulators” of the news business — determining what information gets delivered to whom, and when.”

The New York Times - 1.31.19

What is Topico?

The Topico app is for people who are looking for a safe, friendly environment to curate the news.

Support news literacy

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